About The Book


Zeeshan Zafar is a Father, Corporate Coach, Education Influencer, Keynote Speaker, Linguist, and writer. He writes and speaks about 21st century education (Education 4.0)—on a global level—hosts educational events too. He truly loves what he does, and he wants to influence people through his books, articles, quotes, and personal research in education. Furthermore, he believes, 21st century education and Gen Z seriously need a modern learning and development paradigm, since this era is different and brains belong to this era are different too.

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IQ Myth or Truth is a nonfiction

  • This book is indeed a short read yet insightful as per the audience.

  • This book will help students, teachers, and professionals, especially parents, to accept the truth and dispel the myth in education. This book is for everyone who wants to learn and grow Personally, Academically, Socially, Emotionally, Psychologically, and Professionally.